...Know Your Faith

The Saving Mission of Jesus

Prophet, Priest, and King
The Father sent Jesus to be his greatest Prophet, the teacher of God’s truth. He was also sent to be out Priest, who offered himself in sacrifice to the Father, and our King, who came to stat the Kingdom of God upon earth. We call these three roles of Christ hi triple office.

Jesus Our Teacher
Jesus the Prophet or Teacher helps us to teach Heaven by telling us how to live lives that are pleasing in God’s sight. Only in Jesus teachings do we find the way that leads to heaven. Jesus said of himself: “I am the way and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me” (Jn 14:6)
By his words and example Jesus told us about the Father’s great love for us; he revealed that the Father had sent him as our Savior, the One who would take away our sins. We call this the Good News of our salvation.
Jesus shared his role as Teacher with his followers. He teaches us today through the magisterium (teaching office) of the Catholic Church. This duty to share the faith with others is also a very important part of every Christian’s life. By Baptism and Confirmation we are called to spread the faith to others by our words, good example, and apostolic efforts.

Jesus Our Priest
Jesus is our one true Priest whose sacrifice on the Cross won for us the gift of Sanctifying grace, which as we learned in our study of man’s creation, is the life of God in our souls. In order to make this life of grace available to all men of every time and place, Jesus gave us the sacrament and told his apostles to bring these holy gifts to all the world.
Every Christian shares in the priesthood of Jesus through the anointing received at Baptism and Confirmation. This means that we are set apart from other means and women as the true worshippers of God. Worship is the prayer and adoration which we offer to God, especially through the Mass and sacraments. We can also worship God privately in many ways, for example, by reciting acts of faith, hope and love.

Jesus Our King
Even before his birth the Messiah was called the great king or ruler of God’s people. The angel Gabriel had revealed to Mary: “The Lord God will give him the throne of David… and of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Lk 1:32-33)
The Jews thought that the Messiah would be the ruler of an earthly kingdom, but Jesus corrected this mistaken view, saying “My kingdom does not belong to this world” (Jn 18:36)
Our Lord meant that his Kingdom was spiritual. Everyone who lives in the state of sanctifying grace belongs to the Kingdom of Christ, which is the Church. The Kingdom of God (also called the Kingdom of Heaven or the Reign of God) is the greatest place for a person to live. We live in it on earth by faithful membership in the Church, and we will live in it in Heaven for ever. It is so wonderful that Jesus used to tell a parable, or story, in which his Kingdom is compared to a treasure and to a pearl (Mt 13: 44-46). He said that the Person who discovers this treasure will see its value and give up anything that stands in the way of obtaining it.

Jesus Our King

Even before his birth the Messiah was called the great king or ruler of God’s people. The angel Gabriel had revealed to Mary: “The Lord God will give him the throne of David… and of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Lk 1:32-33)

The Jews thought that the Messiah would be the ruler of an earthly kingdom, but Jesus corrected this mistaken view, saying “My kingdom does not belong to this world” (Jn 18:36)

Our Lord meant that his Kingdom was spiritual. Everyone who lives in the state of sanctifying grace belongs to the Kingdom of Christ, which is the Church. The Kingdom of God (also called the Kingdom of Heaven or the Reign of God) is the greatest place for a person to live. We live in it on earth by faithful membership in the Church, and we will live in it in Heaven for ever. It is so wonderful that Jesus used to tell a parable, or story, in which his Kingdom is compared to a treasure and to a pearl (Mt 13: 44-46). He said that the Person who discovers this treasure will see its value and give up anything that stands in the way of obtaining it.