...Groups & Societies

Knights and Ladies of the Altar

Knight and ladies of the Altar is a group that assists the Priest during the celebration of the Holy Mass.


The members of the group are trained to assist the priest and the religious in the performance of liturgical duties; they are trained and taught the teachings of the church and to be loyal and hardworking in all their endeavours.


The objectives of the St.Thomas More Knights and Ladies of the Altar are as follows:

  1. To create a platform for members to interact with one another.
  2. To train members to be responsible youth to the church and the country at large.

Age requirement

The age requirement of the members is ten (10) years and above. However, it is only open to individuals who have been baptized and are communicants or preparing to receive the sacrament of Holy Eucharist.


At your service, Lord!

Societal Development Strategies


This section talks about the Strategies that have been put in place to develop the members of the group spiritually, physically and socially.

a) Physical Strategies

They organize football and other sporting activities to keep their members physically fit.

b) Spiritual Strategies

Reading, discussing and praying of the Holy Rosary during our meeting hours on every Saturday from 2:00pm-5:00pm.

c) Educational Strategies

Organize talks and lecture to teach Christian principles, and on doctrines of the church.

d) Social Strategies

Get-togethers and parties are organized for the members of the group. Members also participate in inter parish activities to socialize with their colleagues in other parishes.

Income Generation

Short term: Funds are solely raised from dues collection from members.


All Knights and Ladies but especially the ………… shall be full of zeal for the spiritual welfare of the whole society and its individual members. They shall observe and guard the rules, uphold the constitution and strive to excel in piety, humility and fraternal charity as becoming of all-round Christian gentlemen and ladies.

  • All Knights and Ladies shall pay respect and reverence to Priests and Bishops as the representatives of Christ the King on earth and be always helpful and courteous to them.
  • All Knights and Ladies shall take active part in all activities of the society, be they spiritual, social, recreational or other, so that every Knight and Lady will have the opportunity to develop the best qualities of body and mind.