...Groups & Societies

Saint Vincent de Paul

The SSVP is an International Catholic Charitable Voluntary Organization of Lay people founded in Paris in 1833 by a group of Six young men led by Frederic Ozanam and placed under the patronage of ST, Vincent de Paul in 1834. St. Vincent de Paul was a Catholic Priest who devoted much of his life in helping the poor in rural France and alerted the world to social problems. He died in 1661 and was canonized in 1737.

The Achimota Conference of SSVP was founded in 1983. The SSVP works for and on behalf of the Church. Its aim is to help alleviate suffering in our Communities by helping people in need on a person –to- person contact.

It is a Spiritual Society and not a social welfare group . It works with Christ to continue with his works from where he left off. (Luke 4:18). The Society is not that of glamour. It serves in humility, emulating the example our saviour Jesus Christ.

The major activities of the Society includes :

  • Visiting needy people in their homes, in hospitals, prisons, aged, orphans and widows,
  • Providing clothing, fund, medical care, shelter to the needy people,
  • Offering counseling services to the needy during visitations,
  • Advocacy for the marginalized.

The Society is a Catholic Charitable Organization and open to all those who have spare time to help needy people. Currently the Society has eleven (11) Members and fifteen (15) Wards under its care. Majority of the members are ageing hence the need for more youthful membership drive, for the harvest is plenty but the labourers are few.