...Groups & Societies



The Ushers' Ministry has existed in the current location of SS Thomas More and John Fisher Church since 1947 when a pastoral decision was taken to separate the student Masses and the non-student members of the Church Community. The nonstudent members of the Church moved from the Achimota Music School to a disused wooden armory structure on Palm Avenue which was named the St. Thomas More Church. Initially the Ushers were more of a group of volunteers who offered their services during liturgical celebrations. The late Rev. Fr. J. Tetteh Addy in 1972 requested for the formation of a group who were identified and called upon more as a society in the Church. After years of existence as a quasi-society group, then Rev. Fr. Charles Palmer-Bucklein 1985 inducted the members into a formal Liturgical Association and the ushers wore sashes to identify themselves among the congregation. The 

Aims and Objectives

The Ushers Ministry aims and objectives are:-

  1. To win souls for Christ;
  2. To ensure order in church during the celebration of Holy Mass;
  3. To see to the orderly arrangement of clean pews in church;
  4. To ensure order and ensure easy movement of the congregation during collection;
  5. To ensure orderly procession during offertory; and
  6. To ensure order during the communion; and
  7. To ensure general order and decorum during all liturgical celebrations.​


The current membership stands at 20. A programme to recruit and train more members has been commenced. The youth groups are the target and there is a youth ushers' trainer for the purpose.