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Marriage and Family Life

The marriage and family life is the lifewire of the Church. It promotes healthy marriages Tfrom which comes our spiritual and temporal leaders. The marriage and family department in Ss. Thomas More and John Fisher can boast of experienced and trained counsellors who offer selfless and dedicated service to the church. Presently, the department is made of six members; namely Counselor Esther Debrah, Counselor Paa Kwesi Ortsin, Counselor Peter A. Djagba, Counselor Dr. John Boakye, Counselor Fedelis Anumu and Counselor Delali Ayem Membership is open to practicing Catholics with exemplary marriage and family life of not less than 10 years selected and screened by the church. They undergo a special training and formation to acquire the requisite skills and techniques in marriage counseling. They are given certificates by the Archbishop and commissioned to share in the mandate of the priesthood and Pastoral Care by assisting counselees to make right and meaningful decisions in their pre & post marital Relationships.


The church believes that if there is peace in the Family, there will be peace in the World. Guided by the words of St. John Paul II “The future of humanity depends upon marriage and family, when problems affect marriage and family, humanity in the long run suffers. When family benefits so does humanity”, the marriage and family life department does not relent in its efforts at promoting peace in our families.

It uses counseling as a major tool todecrease: - divorce and conflict in society the rising cases of single and separated parents the number of unmarried persons with children living together · sexual immorality and unfaithfulness among the community of God's people. · and also to promote harmony and good Christian family life, among others as part of our mandate in line with the outcome of the Second Synod of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra in February, 2009.


Our contribution has mainly been in the area of pre-marital and post marital counseling. Under the directions of the Parish Pastoral Council, we organize seminars and workshops tailored for the youth, unmarried, married couples, divorced, single parents, widows & widowers, and sometimes organize group counseling. The ministryhas participated in Parish programs like:- Laity week lectures by the laity Council Youth week by the Parish Youth Council (PYC) Couples' Day Out - 2014seminar by the Parish Council Singles / Widows & Widowers - 2015 seminar by the Parish Council Periodic publication of marriage guidelines and other tit-bits in church bulletin Occasional talks to societies such as:- Christian mothers, Young Christian workers It is worthy of mention also, that some of our members serve as Associate counselors to other parishes in the Dioceses.