...Groups & Societies

New Achimota, Kopevi, Akweteman

In 1988, Akweteman/Kopevi community of the St, Thomas More Parish was established. This vibrant community carried out various Spiritual and Social activities like all the other communities in the parish.

About three years ago, the St. John Fisher Chapel was completed for worship services and it was decided that the New Achimota Community should join the Akweteman/Kopevi Community.


To Foster unity and solidarity, amongst parishioners, to enhance church growth and evangelism. We the members of New Achimota/Akweteman/Kopevi Commuty, aspire to establish a relationship of brotherly love iamong our members to assist those in need, visiting the sick and aged in our Church Communities.

Our focus is to serve the Church as a whole and devote one's time and one's self to the need of others. 

Our Motto is ("Love thy Neighbour as thyself'", Mark 12:31).

Our main activities are as follows:

  • Visiting the sick · Attending funerals · Counseling the young ones among us
  • Moral support to those who are going through difficult times
  • Financial assistant within our reach to those who are in need
  • Participating in Church activities both social and spiritual 

We pledge to participate in all the fundraising of the Church for its various works, to help in cleaning of the Church and also to support the other Communities whenever they need our help.


The N.A.A.K Community is run by a seven-member executive committee comprising the following:

  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Organizing Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Assistant Treasurer

This Community has a large membership of about sixty. We meet once a month on the third Sunday of every month after second mass at St. John Fisher. The meetings are preceded with a lively discussion of the homily delivered by the officiating priest. Practical experiences are shared to drive the message home.


At the inception of the N.A.A.K Community, it was unanimously decided that we establish a welfare scheme to provide some financial support for members during bereavement and other social events.

So far, this scheme has been operating successfully. Members are encouraged to join the Church welfare schemes as well. 


At the beginning of this year, 25 of January 2015, we had a very successful get-together at the church grounds. Representatives of the various communities, societies and the priest in charge, graced the occasion. 


We trust that membership of the various communities and societies will grow from strength to strength to ensure greater interactions among parishioners.