...Groups & Societies

Christian Mothers

Christian Mothers Association (CMA) is a Catholic-based civil society
organization with interest in the spiritual, social welfare and socio-economic
development of women. It operates in all dioceses of the Catholic Church in
the ten regions of Ghana. Our Patron Saint is the Blessed Virgin Mary.
CMA was originally established in the early 1940s by some widows in the
Catholic Church who came together to pray and console one another. Their
commitment attracted some nuns who saw the group as a platform for the
spiritual advancement of women. In the 1960s, a German Social worker, Dr
Helga Klieikowski, in collaboration with other Ghanaian women reorganized
the group to also cater for the social and economic needs of
Our mission is to create greater awareness of the dignity and responsibilities
of Christian women especially wives and mothers, promote Christian
education and develop a deep spiritual life of members and their families as
a whole. The association is also committed to empowerment of women,
advocacy and skills training.
The St. Thomas More/St. John Fisher CMA was founded in November 2000,
through the initiative of the late Mrs. Isabella Dumfeh with a membership of
forty-six women.Currently our number has increased to eighty.We also have
the Christian Children'sAssociation, which includes both girls and boys. We
take active part in all activities organized by the Church such as Laity Week,
Catechetical Week and Bible Week; providing resource persons when
required. Every year, we organize a Christmas party for the Children's
Service and a Breakfast meeting with seminarians.

The leadership of the Association to-date is as follows:

2000 – 2006 The Late Mother Isabella Dumfeh
2006 –2012 Mother AugustinaOwusu
2012 to date Mother Anna Owusu- Agyeman