...Groups & Societies

Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of St. John


The St. Thomas More Ladies of Auxiliary of St. John International, No. 419 was inaugurated in November 1995. Late Noble Sister Rita Cato, Supreme Deputy Organizer was the officer responsible for the formation. Noble Sisters, Sabina Armah, Mary Kwami, Margaret Adjei , Agnes Abebrese among others assisted with the recruitment of members for the formation of the Order in Achimota.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the Order are:-

  1. To create and foster a feeling of fraternity and fellowship among he various Auxiliaries;
  2. To improve their moral, mental and social condition;
  3. To assist and support members and their families in case of want, sickness and death; and
  4. To promote a more generous and filial respect for the spiritual authority of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. 

Membership is open to all practicing Catholics and aged above 18 years of age. 


The Ladies Auxiliary exist to support the Church and specifically to support the SS Thomas More and John Fisher Church. Members have worked assiduously over the period of its twenty year existence to support the parish especially the Junior Auxiliary of the Order. We collaborate with the Commandery in almost every activity. We attend twice Annual Spirituals programmes together and undertake joint Charity activities. 

Junior Auxiliary

The St. Thomas More Ladies Auxiliary has a Junior Auxiliary or the female youth members of the Church. These youth are very active in Church as Mass Servers, Ushers, Lectors among