...Groups & Societies


Alogbloshie community started as a fragmented community comprising mostly of Catholic Immigrant workers from Togo and southern Volta, who were working with the Prince of Wales College (now Achimota Senior High School) and the University College of Ghana (now University of Ghana, Legon).

They joined their kinsmen from Achimota town, Alogboshie, Kissehman, Christian Village and Anumle and attended Mass at the school chaplaincy.

After the World war (2) the diocese realizing their increasing membership in the various loose communities, acquired the old and abandoned military armory, which was a wooden structure from the colonial administration, and named it St. Thomas More, placing it under the Kpehe Parish, as an outstation, but because of its proximity to the school chaplaincy , was later giving to the Catholic Chaplain to administer.

This sort of loose communities continued in the outstation, until Mr. Emmanuel Adzogble of blessed memory came to Alogboshie and became its first catechist . The members of the community started having classes in his house instead of the church .

The community received a boost when one Mr. Ativi (a.k.a. teacher Ativi) a carpenter came down from Tafo in the Eastern Region with some colleagues and apprentices and settled in Alogboshie with his kinsmen. He and one colleague Mr. Gbadago became catechists and took most of the burden from Mr. E. Adzogble. Mr. Ativi and his colleagues formed a cultural troupe called Cantata. This brought in more members into the church community. Allogboshie is the biggest community in the church. Presently the community is being represented on the Church Pastoral Council by Mr. James Adzewoda Amegbletor.