...Groups & Societies

Knights and ladies of Marshall


The St. Thomas More Mashallan Association (STMMA) was formed in mid 1994 when a group of Thomas More parishioners belonging to the Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall from various councils and courts in the country came to the realization that with the growth of the church and growth in their numbers, there was the need to form an association in consonance with the constitution of the Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall.

The group held series of meetings and consultations which culminated in the eventual inauguration of the Association by Rev. Fr. Fred Nelson Adiakpey the Parish Priest in May, 1995 with initial membership strength of 45.



The inauguration of the Association ushered in the maiden executive committee which served as the governing body with the following brothers and sisters.

  1. Bro. David Daniel Dumfeh (PSK) as its first President
  2. Bro. Andy Seth Nukpe (PSK) as Vice President
  3. Bro. Joe Ayeboafo (PRGK) as Secretary/Organiser
  4. Sis Mary Buako (PNA) as Financial Secretary
  5. Sis Esther Blavo as Treasurer



The aims and objectives as set out in our constitution are:

  1. To foster fraternal spirit. Promote brotherly love and seek the welfare of members.
  2. To foster fraternal relations with other societies and organizations within the church
  3. To foster activities such as lectures, symposia and excursions aimed at helping members to develop their educational, cultural, spiritual, moral and domestic well being.
  4. To co-operate with and assist the Church Council of St. Thomas More and John Fisher and the priest in all their plans and projects for the Church and in the implementation of such plans and projects.
  5. To do such other things as are necessary and conducive to the attainment of aforementioned aims and objectives.



Over the past 20 odd years, the Association has seen a sizeable number of its founding members transferring to neighbouring Catholic Churches with a few being called to the Noble Order above while also registering a handsome number of members either through new initiations or transfers.

The current strength stands at about 80 brothers and sisters.

The Marshallan Association looks back to the past 20 years with pride for having been part of the history of St. Thomas More and John Fisher Church by contributing to its growth in all spheres both with personnel and resources as set out in our constitution. As we enter into a new phase of the church’s history, we pledge our unflinching commitment to continue to work with the CPC, the Priests and all other Associations and Organizations in the church for further growth.