...Groups & Societies

Nigerian society

The Nigeria society of Ss Thomas-More/John Fisher Catholic Church was formed in December 2011due to the increasing number of Nigerian Nationals in the church. As the number of Nigerians kept increasing the need arose for something to be done to retain them in the Catholic Church. We resolved in one of our social gatherings to come together as a group with the objective of improving the Economic, Social and Spiritual growth of members.

After due consultation with the Church Pastoral Council and Rev. Fr. Benjamin Ohene the then Priest in Charge, our application to function as one of the laity groups in the church was approved.

Mr. Shine Gavin and Auntie Mary Kwame were very helpful at the early stages of the formation of the Nigerian Society. The group was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. George Obeng- Appah on the 1st December, 2011 as the Nigerian Society. The Society's name was later changed to St. Christopher Society since St. Christopher is the patron saint for travelers.


Membership is open to Nigerian Nationals resident in Ghana who are members of St. Thomas More and John fisher catholic church. Currently, the membership stands at 34.


  1. To organize spiritual and social activities that will draw us together as one family
  2. To encourage growth in holiness and in the doctrine of the catholic faith.
  3. To ensure our co-operation with other societies, groups and the church when needed.
  4. To encourage regular payment of society and church dues as a society and individuals.
  5. Encouraging our members to participate fully in the activities of the church.
  6. To respond to donations when needed
  7. Members with diverse trade backgrounds could exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships. 

The St. Christopher Nigerian Society of SS Thomas More and John Fisher is also affiliated to St. Francis of Asisi Nigerian Community of the Arch diocese of Accra.