...Know Your Faith


In One God: There is only one God. Christians hold the belief in one God, along with Jews and Muslims. It is important to note that our statement of belief does not say we believe in three Gods. Many good Christians misunderstand the Church’s belief in the Trinity (stating belief in one God, but often acting like there are three).

When Philip asked Jesus to show the Father to the apostles, Jesus responded that anyone who had seen Him had seen the Father. It is important to remember that and to understand that Jesus has revealed God perfectly to us.

In Jesus Christ: Belief in Jesus is still belief in one God. The Lord became one of us, taking on human flesh and becoming fully human but still fully God as well. This is a mystery, and attempts to simplify its teaching are often heretical.

The creed reaches its zenith when we state that, for our salvation, God became one of us and was made man. We make a profound bow to honor the supreme mystery of God becoming one of us at the words "By the Holy Spirit, he was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man”. This is still done during the praying of the creed on the solemnity of the Annunciation and at Christmas. Both are feasts of the Church that celebrate the mystery of God becoming one of us, one at His conception and the other at His birth. During the rest of the Church year, we make a solemn bow. This mystery is called the Incarnation, a word that means “taking on human flesh”; in this case, God taking on our human flesh in Jesus Christ.

Because everything depends upon this act of our Lord and makes our salvation possible, the final part of the creed celebrates the grace that we received from our Lord’s death and Resurrection.