...Know Your Faith

THE CONFITEOR - Part 3 - Rev. Fr. Clement Quagraine


We call upon the Blessed Virgin Mary, all the angels and saints in heaven, and the people in our midst (our brothers and sisters in Christ) to pray to God for us.

Stop and think about this for a moment. The ancient belief of the Church is that when we gather to pray as a Church, the group that gathers is more than meets the eye. Literally, heaven comes down this spot, and we are joined by all of its inhabitants – the angels and saints. Most Catholic churches have art that symbolizes the presence of these other statues and painted images. As we ask them to join our prayer, we should be mindful of the purity of the prayers – my neighbor might think for a second to pray for me, but surely if I ask the Mother of God, the saints, and the angels to pray for me, they will do so incessantly. 

In the materialistic world, we tend to forget that there is more to the world than meets the eye. We acknowledge the unseen in the signals sent to our cell phones or other wireless devices, but fail many times to call upon the much more powerful force and certainly time-tested power of God’s angels and saints.

Give thought to what you are asking the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels, and the saints to do. Also, give thought to what the people gathered with you and the priest are asking you to do and do it. Ask God to hear their prayers.