This is the most important week in the year of worship. During the week, we commemorate Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection i.e., the crowing events in his life through which he saved us.
Holy week is the final week of lent, beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Holy Saturday. Holy week observances began in Jerusalem in the earliest days of the Church when devout people travelled to Jerusalem at Passover to re-enact the events of the week leading up to the resurrection.
Holy week consists of the following events which contributed to our liberation from sin.
This is the only day in the year when Mass is not celebrated.
My dear parishioners, the purpose of Holy Week is to re-enact and participate in the passion of Christ. This Week ought to be for us a holy week indeed, a great week. So much is going to depend for each one of us on the manner we celebrate this week. Participate fully, consciously, actively and reap the rich benefits of this Holy Season.