...Know Your Faith

THE LAW AND GRACE - Part 3 - Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Kwofie

Revealed Law:  We spoke in Book One of this series about revelation.  In that book we primarily dealt with matters of faith.  Here, we follow the same understanding but look at revelation regarding matters of morality.

As explained above, the natural law given to us by God and inscribed on our very conscience is somewhat confused as a result of Original Sin and our personal sins.  It’s not that the law itself is confused; rather, it’s that our ability to comprehend the law of God is made difficult because of our fallen state.  But God did not leave us in our confusion.  Instead, He began from the beginning of time to reveal to us the full moral law so as to clarify that with which we struggle.

In the Old Testament, we see that God began to reveal His law as early as Adam and Eve and continued to reveal His law to those who came after.  This was done with Noah, Abraham and especially through Moses when God gave him the Ten Commandments.  We see the continuing revelation of God regarding morality in the teaching of the prophets, the development of the Old Testament Law and in the many ways in which God interacted with His people.

Ultimately, The Father revealed the fullness of the moral law to us in His Son, Jesus.  Jesus, in His teaching and in His very person and actions, reveals the fullness of what it means to be human and to embrace the perfect law of love.

Without this revelation of God, we would remain in darkness and confusion.  But with this revelation of God, we are given the ability to see clearly all that God has established as good, holy and morally upright.

To be continued.