...Know Your Faith


 The knowledge the Eternal Father has of Himself is the Son and the love that proceeds from both is the Holy Spirit. In turn, in the family unit man manifests the qualities of the Father and woman the qualities of Jesus.

Children, proceeding from love, manifest the Spirit. Each are distinct though all are one. Each have qualities of soul the other needs. Each share in each other's qualities and so become more transformed into their model -the Eternal Trinity.

Though those living this Sacrament may fall short, let them always have in their mind the heights of their vocation - the call to holiness and the designs of the Father as He joined them together and made them one.

The children of such a couple become a source of love and fulfillment. They have the power to bring out of father and mother hidden qualities that would never manifest themselves without them.

Parents exercise their roles in a higher degree as they form, educate and teach their children. The compassion and understanding of the father grows in degree and quality as opportunities present themselves.

A woman becomes a bond of unity and a means of reconciliation. She begins to practice those inner qualities of kindness and love never before manifested. A new spirit of sacrifice issues forth as her role in the family is enhanced.

In mutually giving themselves to the fruit of their love, that love grows. Love increases when pain and sacrifice, cheerfully accepted, is borne with faith and hope.

Any kind of selfishness that would manifest itself at this point in a couple's life would warp their marriage, decrease their love for each other, and create tension. When possessions and pleasure take the place of children, the fire of love grows cold.

Love begets love and when love is prevented from giving of itself, human nature takes over and living becomes an endurance test - a wild chase after fleeting pleasures - pleasures that merely distract from one's obligations and duties in this state of life.

Since Matrimony is a sacrament from which the couples receive the very source of love - God, it cannot be a living sacrament if love is deliberately cut off. Only the binding aspect of the sacrament remains and such a couple soon begins to feel only the tight pressure of those indissoluble ropes.

Deliberate decisions to be selfish in any state of life, be it married, single or religious, brings havoc. Though the single life or religious life are not sacraments in themselves, those in these states receive other sacraments and the principles of living applied to matrimony applies equally to these other states.

Our entire life was created by Love so we might choose to be love. Faith and Hope build love and if we allow those virtues to lessen by selfish choices, we remove ourselves from the source of all warmth, goodness, kindness and joy.

Instead of seeing God's hand in the present moment, we see only people and things, and Faith lessens. Instead of watching God bring good out of all our pain, frustration and heartache, we see only evil intentions and we lose Hope and Joy.

In this type of atmosphere it is difficult, if not impossible, for love to grow.

To insure ourselves of this growth the frequent reception of the Eucharist - the Real Presence of Love - and the healing Sacrament of Reconciliation are indispensable.

Without Him we cannot ascend the heights of holiness. Without the healing balm of Absolution we cannot maintain a consistent thrust toward virtue and goodness.