There comes a time when an animal must adapt to its environment or fails to survive.

Every day, I remember that life presents me with these same choices- adapt or fail. Now, difficult as it may, this is the reality. But what baffles me more is my unwillingness to face these realities. But why? Because of Fear or perhaps Doubt. That thing called Doubt.

Doubt sucks you dry from all ideas of possibilities. You start your journey by thinking about plan Bs because you already see plan A failing. That thing called doubt.          

Doubt cripples your desire to achieve more and learn more. That thing called Doubt.

Doubt is bad coming from others, but it’s destructive when it comes from within us.

An animal must adapt. It has it in it to do so. But the animal must first believe it can. It must claim it. Desire it. Live it.

The animal must unlearn to re-learn. Must find joy in failing to learn. It must face doubts and fears with another kind of Fear- The Fear of dying off.

Here is to all who are like me, discovering how to stay alive. Trust me, the hard part of this journey is embracing your fears and saying to them- there’s nothing worse than dying off.