GHANAS' DEMOCRATIC LIGHT SHINES ONLY AT THE TOP- Continued From Last Week - Miss Agnes Ama Afful

According to the 2021 Democratic Index report, the impunity of officials stood at 77%. Imagine that! There is massive impunity exhibited by officials in Ghana (elected or appointed). It’s possibly because no real accountability exists in our democratic system. How many past or present appointees have you heard of being prosecuted for a crime? Or corruption? Do you have a number for me?

This brings me to the recent “Save Ghana Football” demonstrations in Accra on the 14th of February, 2024 in which I participated. I witnessed how officials from the GFA, used the police force to prevent demonstrators from submitting their petitions at the GFA headquarters. Well, I can’t say I didn’t see it coming, it was just a reflection of recent demonstrations in Ghana. Suddenly, the citizens' right to demonstrate is becoming a problem for the govt. who is slowly eating that Right away with cheap tactics (I don’t have time to delve into this).

 As I stood there looking on helplessly when the police prevented us from going to the GFA, I said to myself, our democracy stinks!