1. Budgeting: No matter your income make a budget. Money must be allocated to specific tasks and you should stick to the budget, that way you won't run out of money or spend unnecessarily.

2. Cooking: Cooking is an important life skill that everyone should have irrespective of their gender. Everyone needs to eat to survive so everyone needs to know how to cook.

3. Cleaning skills: Another skill everyone needs to have is be able to clean. Clean around the house and clean up after ourselves.

4. Manners: We must all have manners, learn to say please and thank you. Learn to apologise say excuse me. This helps with daily interactions with others.

5. Time management: Everyone must be able to manage their time and put time aside for everything, this prevents procrastination.

6. Social skills: One can improve their social skills by pursuing hobbies. Making and maintaining friendships. Having manners also helps with social skills.