4. Increase Your Technological Skills
If you haven’t already, master the basics of using a computer. These things include being able to type at least 30 words a minute, using spreadsheets, creating power point slides, using a word processor and being able to do research efficiently on the internet. If you have internet access, you can learn all of these skills through online tutorial videos for free.
5. Increase Your Knowledge:
If you’re not constantly reading and soaking up new information, then you will quickly fall behind your competitors. Developing the habit to read daily is one of the most valuable habits you can develop. I’m not talking about romance novels by the way. I’m talking about nonfiction works on a variety of topics such as leadership, motivation, and the latest cutting-edge technology in your industry. Reading keeps your mind alert and improves your ability to learn quickly, which are things that will definitely increase your market value.
6. Increase Your Vocabulary
Research shows that people with the vocabularies get the best jobs. The reason is because, as mentioned before, communication is everything. Words are tools to express our thoughts. The larger your vocabulary the better you can express yourself
and when you can express yourself more clearly, you will get your message across more effectively. You can start by simply learning a new word a day and actually use it in your everyday conversations.
7. Increase Your Confidence.
People are attracted to confident individuals. when you are confident in yourself and your skills, you portray a message that says, “Leave it to me, I’ll get it done.” You can increase your writing skills. speaking skills, vocabulary and any other skill, but if you portray a lack of confidence in yourself, you may not even be given a chance too showcase your skills.
Confidence is nothing more than a feeling of certainty. You must be certain in yourself and in what you have to offer. This can be accomplished by just standing upright with relaxed shoulders. When you speak, use a firm tone of voice, not one that conveys uncertainty. Be prepared and know your stuff. Just remember that there’s a difference between confidence and arrogance. One will get you places while the other will just get people annoyed.
Invest your time, energy and money to increase these skill sets and you’ll be well on your way to increasing your market value which will results in a increase in your income. (END)