We see here that it is quite natural for Catholic Christians to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her son is the true Davidic King and she is rightly enthroned at his right hand as the Gebirah and Queen Mother of the Kingdom of God. The position of Solomon‘s mother at his right hand is the reason why Mary is nearly always depicted in religious artwork as seated in heaven at the right hand of Christ. The exalted place of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism did not arise from medieval superstition but from a Jewish understanding of kingship. Just as Bathsheba served as the flesh and blood link between her son Solomon and King David, so also the Blessed Virgin Mary is the flesh and blood link uniting Jesus to the Messianic privileges of the Davidic Kingdom. Christians honor and revere the Blessed Virgin Mary because her lineage confirms that Jesus is the rightful heir of God’s promises. Mary is the final link in a thousand-year-old chain of Messianic prophecy.