...Know Your Faith

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL – Lord hear our prayer - Rev. Fr. Clement Quagraine

The response to the prayers of the faithful usually is “lord, hear our prayers,” although other responses may be used at times. When we address the “Lord,” it is God we are summoning. Another way of phrasing “Lord, hear our prayer” is “God, listen to what we are asking.”

We address God out of the belief that He cares about us. Christians believe that God is intensely interested in their lives. The God we believe in acts in the events of our lives, and desires that we be in relationship with Him. We have only to remember our lord Jesus Christ’s example. He has perfectly revealed God to us. Anything we believe about God is revealed perfectly by Jesus because Jesus is God. This is why the liturgy of the Word is so important. The scriptures that are read during Mass remind us again of how Jesus has revealed what God is really like. 

People constantly came to Jesus requesting help during His earthly life. He ascended into heaven they continued to come to his disciples (Acts of the Apostles), who continued to do the same works that Jesus had done because He was now living in each of them.

Through our baptism, Jesus lives in us. But we must die to ourselves so that His power may operate in our lives. As you hear the Prayers of the Faithful, make them yours by responding with a sense of urgency and faith that the Lord will hear our prayer. We address these prayers through our Lord Jesus Christ, confident that He will present them to the Father.