If anybody asks you why you are untying it [the ass the disciples were sent to find], this must be your answer, “The Lord has need of it” (Lk. 19:31). Perhaps no greater paradox was ever written than this; on one hand the sovereignty of the Lord, and on the other hand his ‘need’. This combination of Divinity and dependence, of possession and poverty was the consequence of the Word becoming flesh. Truly, he who was rich became poor for our sakes, that we might be rich. Our Lord borrowed a boat from a fisherman from which to preach; he borrowed barley loaves and fishes from a boy to feed the multitude; he borrowed a grave from which he would rise; and now he borrowed an ass on which to enter Jerusalem. Sometimes, God pre-empts and requisitions the things of man, as if to remind him that everything is a gift from him.