... Reflections

Quote: Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47
Date: Thursday, 9th July, 2015
Author: Rev. Fr.George Obeng Appah

 Jesus, through his passion, death, and resurrection, reversed the disobedience of original sin by obeying his Father's will in spite of all the devil's attempts to thwart him. The betrayal of Judas, the abandonment of his apostles, the false accusations, the condemnation, the humiliation, the scourging and crowning with thorns, the torture of crucifixion - all of these sufferings were the devil's attempts to get Jesus to say "no" to his Father, just as he had gotten Adam and Eve to say "no" .But Jesus defeated the devil. He continued to love, forgive, and obey through it all. His obedience establishes a beachhead in this world that is under the devil's sway: Jesus' Passion is D-Day for the devil, and liberation for us. This is the victory we celebrate.