... Reflections

Title: Obedience
Quote: Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; 1 Pt 3:15-18; Jn 14:15-21
Date: Tuesday, 3rd June, 2014
Author: Rev. Fr. George Obeng Appah

 The departure of Jesus from this world does not mean that he is now remote from those who put their trust in him; he has not left us orphans. In fact it is by our faith in him, our union with him - "you in me and I in you," as he says in the gospel - that we are drawn into the hidden life of the Blessed Trinity, which we describe as heaven. The first Christians looked forward with longing to the Second Coming of Christ; but it is quite true to say that this coming is taking place every single day. And our prayer should be the same as that of the early Christians: "Maranatha - come Lord Jesus." Amen