1st Reading; Isaiah 45:1, 4-6
God makes use of the pagan King Cyrus, conqueror of Babylon to grant freedom to the captive Jews and allow them to return home.
2nd Reading 1 Thessalonians 1; 1-5
Paul gives thanks to God for the progress the Thessalonians have made in living the faith.
Gospel Matthew 22: 15-21
Trying to entrap Jesus, his enemies send messengers to ask him if it is lawful to pay tax to the emperor or not.
As Christians we have dual citizenship; heaven and earth. As citizens of heaven, we have obligations towards God and as citizens of this earth we have duties to our earthly state. As citizens of an earthly state, we have to obey and respect its civil regulations and contribute our share to the welfare of the state as a whole. We must not shirk our responsibility towards our nation under the pretext of being Christians; for a good Christian makes a good citizen. Although we don’t belong to the world, we are of the world. Our responsibility to our two states must be fulfilled, hence the saying of Christ: “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God”