1st Reading: 2Kgs 4:42-44
When Elisha receives some barley loaves and grain, he orders that the food be given to the people. In spite of the servants doubts about how that amount of food can feed a hundred men, the people eat and there is some left over.
2nd Reading: Eph 4:1-6
Paul exhorts the community of Ephesus to preserve the unity of the spirit reminding them that all believers share one baptism in the one Lord Jesus Christ.
Gospel: Jn 6:1-15
When a vast crowd follows Jesus, he attends to their spiritual as well as physical needs: receiving five loaves and two fish, he blesses the food and distributes them to the multitudes. The people eat and there are leftovers.
God our father is mindful of our needs and will always provide for us even in seemingly impossible circumstances. Our response is not to ask how but to approach him with faith and trust.