Quote: : Mk 4:26-34
Date: Saturday, 15th June, 2024
Author: Rev. Wisdom Asare
Spiritual renewal is a gift from God, bestowed upon us through the Holy Spirit and through prayer. As Ezekiel vividly illustrates, it is God who performs the fundamental planting of His people. In our tradition, God's chosen tree is the holy Catholic Church, which is called to be a welcoming family and a source of both enlightenment and comfort to
people of all nations. This tree, planted by God, is meant to "produce branches and bear fruit, and become a noble cedar," providing shade for all creatures. Jesus was a strong advocate for renewal, both in the personal outlook of his followers and in the structures and priorities of the Jewish religion. In today's parable, he highlights the mysterious miracle of growth and fruitfulness. While the gardener must do the initial spadework and continue with necessary weeding and watering, it is ultimately the Spirit of God who brings about fruitful change. Therefore, we call upon the Spirit to breathe strongly upon our Church
today, awakening in our hearts a loving desire for sharing and communion. This idea is at the heart of each Eucharistic congress and indeed of every Mass. May the Spirit guide us to be a fruitful and welcoming community, bearing the light and love of God to all.