1st Reading: Ex 24:3-8
When the Israelites accept to live by God’s commandments, Moses sprinkles blood on the altar and on the people signifying a blood covenant with God.
2nd Reading: Heb 9:11-15
By shedding his blood on the cross, Christ has become the mediator of a new covenant which brings deliverance and sanctification.
Gospel: Mk 14:12-16, 22-26
At his last Passover meal with the apostles. Jesus took bread and wine and said, take this, this is my body…” “This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, to be poured out on behalf of many”.
In the gift of his body and blood (Corpus Christi), Christ has offered us his loving and abiding presence, divine nourishment and strength. If we recognise him as such and approach him in faith and in true piety, we experience enduring blessings.