Title: “Love is a priceless Gift from God.”
Quote: Mt 22:34-40
Date: Saturday, 28th October, 2023
Author: Rev. Fr. Clement Quagraine
Today we are reminded that the commandments to love God and our neighbors are inseparable. As we reflect on today's Gospel passage, we see Jesus emphasizing this unity in response to the lawyer's question. To begin, we are called to personalize our love for God through a profound commitment that encompasses our entire being - our heart, soul, and mind. This commitment deepens as we engage in continuous communication with God through prayer, the study of His word, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Yet, the depth of our love for God is most fully realized when we express it through our actions. It is by extending this love to our neighbours - be they family, friends, colleagues, strangers, or foreigners - that we bring love to life. For love, unexpressed remains hollow, and its essence is elusive. In our interactions with others, we have the opportunity to embody the love of God. Acts of kindness, patience, selflessness, and a willingness to make sacrifices are the fundamental ways in which we express this divine love. We must also maintain a hopeful outlook for one another, while consciously avoiding envy, rudeness, boastfulness, self-centeredness, and the habit of harbouring grudges.