... Reflections

Quote: Mt 21:33-43
Date: Sunday, 8th October, 2023
Author: Rev. Fr. Clement Quagraine

The gospel of today draws our attention to the householder who planted a vineyard and equipped it with all the necessary logistics to make it easier for any person who would work in the vineyard. He later leased it to tenants, only to demand an account of the work done by them. The householder is God, the vineyard is the Church, and the tenants are we, the baptized faithful. God has endowed the church with every resource we need as tenants of the Church to bear good fruit. These resources are the doctrines, the sacraments, the faith, the moral values, and the various retreats and spiritual programmes of the church that have been given to us freely. What God demands of us when the season of fruit draws near, is to bear fruits of love, piety, truthfulness, generosity, selflessness, and others. However, since we are often not forthcoming in bearing these fruits, we are always in a defensive mood to attack.  Furthermore, our sinful rebellious acts, which often produce vices instead of virtues, make us crucify Christ regardless of the number of times Christ visits us in sacraments and especially in the Eucharist. We depict the attitude of the tenants who killed the son of the householder who was sent to them. Remember what God demands of us: to be responsible tenants who will always be ready to give a proper account of the fruits we have produced out of the abundance of the  riches we have acquired from the vineyard.