Beloved, today's gospel tells the story of a man who tasked his sons with working in his vineyard. The first son initially refused his father's command but later repented and went to work. The second son, who appeared obedient, ultimately refused to go to the vineyard. In this gospel narrative, The man symbolizes God, and the sons represent us, God's children. As God's children, we are called to be ready to contribute to the well-being of the Church, which is likened to the vineyard.
At times, we may perceive God's work as burdensome, especially when it requires our time and resources. Consequently, we often hesitate to engage fully. Yet, like the first son, it is never too late to reconsider our decision to work for God. God knows our capabilities even before assigning tasks to us. We should view this as a privilege rather than a burden, always mindful that we can follow the example of the first son.
We must avoid mere lip service to God, akin to the second son. Our contributions, no matter how small they may seem, play a vital role in nurturing the spiritual vineyard that is the Church