1st Reading: Gen 9:8-15
After the flood God made a new agreement (covenant) with Noah and his descendants. The rainbow is a lovely sign of God's reliable friendship towards us.
2nd Reading: 1Pt 3:18-22
St. Peter sees the waters of the flood of Noah's time as a reminder of the waters of Baptism by which we are saved from sin.
Gospel: Mk 1:12-15
After being baptised by John the Baptist Jesus spends forty days in the desert. Then he begins to spread his Gospel message.
One of the things we can't avoid as Christians is temptation. Christ himself being the son of God went through it. He overcame the devil and his ploys and through that has given us the strength to go through ours. On this first Sunday of lent we read the passage on the temptation to remind us that as we begin our 40 day journey to the Lord, the devil will be around to dissuade us from taking the step towards repentance. We may want to pray more, to fast and give alms; certainly this will not make the devil happy. Beware!