... Reflections

Title: What preparations can we make for that great event of our lives?
Quote: Is 40:1-5,9-11; 2Pt 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8
Date: Wednesday, 7th December, 2011
Author: Rev. Fr. George Obeng Appah

1st Reading: Is 40:1-5,9-11
In the first the reading, the prophet tells his people to prepare for the coming of the Lord; the one who will bring salvation and open up a way into the future.

2nd Reading: 2Pt 3:8-14
In the second reading, the apostle Peter reminds us that the Lord is patient as He waits for us ; for He does not want any of us to be lost. He wants us to change our ways and live holy and saintly lives as we wait for His coming.

Gospel: Mk 1:1-8
John the Baptist appears on the scene to announce the imminent coming of their Saviour and to prepare the people for that great event.

When we want to celebrate a special occasion what do we usually do? For example a wedding, birthday, graduation etc. Immediately, the thought that   comes to mind is : “I must prepare this and that ”. Yes for a special event, we know that we must make preparations. John the Baptist prepared the way for Christ by raising expectations. Once Jesus had arrived, there only remained for John to disappear gracefully from the scene. What preparations can we make for that great event of our lives? Are there some crooked paths that have to be straightened? Are there some valleys that have to be filled in?  Are there some mountains and hills that have to be made low? Do it before the guest arrives.