Ist Reading Isa 5:1-7
In the Song of the Vineyard, Isaiah recounts God’s disappointment at the failure of his people to live up to what he expects them to be.
2nd reading Phil 4:6-9
Paul gives the Philipians a practical advice on living the Christian life. He tells them to free their minds of all anxiety and to live according to what they have learned and accepted.
Gospel Mt 21:33-43
In the parable of the vineyard we see how the tenants wasted the opportunity offered them by God to bear fruit.
What do parents expect from their children after struggling to give them good training and education? What does a teacher expect from his students after expending all his energy to impart knowledge to them? Simply put, to bear fruits they will be proud of; a sign of gratitude. It will be disappointing if after all the sacrifices parents make, they have nothing to show in their children. God like a responsible parent has given us his children all we need to make life worth living. Are we showing gratitude through the fruits we bear? Are we bearing the kinds of fruits that will make God happy? He says, “I have chosen you from the world to go and bear fruit that will last”.