... Reflections

Quote: Mk 1:14-20
Date: Saturday, 20th January, 2024
Author: Rev. Fr. Clement Quagraine

On this third Sunday of ordinary time, the universal church observes the Sunday of the Word of God, established by Pope Francis in 2019 to emphasize the significance of Sacred Scripture in the life of Christians. We are reminded to proclaim, "The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel" (Mark 1:14–20). This call to repentance carries a mission that requires both those who proclaim God’s word and those who receive it to collectively seek the face of God, fostering a sense of community as we break bread together as believers. Furthermore, the church emphasizes that those entrusted with celebrating and speaking about the Word of God should embody qualities of simplicity, industriousness, and a strong work ethic within the faith community. It is crucial to remember that the disciples called by Jesus—Andrew, Simon, John, and James—were not indifferent or apathetic individuals; instead, they were dedicated workers ready to energetically proclaim the gospel, drawing many into the Kingdom of God.