... Reflections

Quote: Jn 6:51-58
Date: Sunday, 11th June, 2023
Author: Bro. Wisdom Asare

Jesus emphasizes his claim as the ‘Bread of life’ when he feeds and teaches the multitude. We must understand Jesus’ claim in three essential features. First, that the Eucharist is sacrificial, a bread given for the life of the world. Secondly, the flesh is to be eaten and the blood drunk. The Greek word uses trogo, laying emphasis on the physical act of eating. Thirdly, by referring to the last day and living for ever, Jesus underlines the necessity of the Eucharist for eternal life. It is a sacrament not only for the needs of the present life, but also for the world to come.  Finally, the Eucharist gives a share in the life of the Father. Through it, the life that the Son has from the Father is passed on by the Son to the believer.